Shared Supplier Portal

Supplier Quality and Improvements monitoring

Always stay in tune with suppliers for resolution of your concerns through Supplier Quality and Process Improvements monitoring module. Keep track of concerns resolution with a bank of all part wise concerns raised for supplier assessment.

Connect with supplier systems in cloud

Once the concern is registered by you it is automatically transferred to respective supplier. Supplier is then intimated by an e mail. Any action taken by supplier on the customer concern is visible to the customer who then can either approve or disapprove the action taken by the supplier.

Track supplier improvements

Creates a repository of all actions taken by supplier against the concerns raised by the customer. Concerns can be tracked partwise. This helps in accessing the repeating issues for parts at supplier end and associated supplier's performance evaluation

Assessment of supplier's action

As the action taken by supplier against a concern raised by you are visible to customer who then can assess these actions. These actions can be 6W 2H or 8D analysis, Kaizen, CAPA or Pokayoke. Customer can either approve or disapprove these actions taken by suppliers.

Alerts in Real Time

System provides three e mail alerts. First e mail is generated when concern is registered by customer, second when the action is completed by the supplier and third is when supplier's action is either approved or disapproved by customer. This e mail recipients list is configurable.

Supplier Portal Dashboard

This dashboard displays the complete status of supplier concern status. At a glance this dashboard provides supplier wise number of concerns raised, number of open concerns, closed concenrs, overdue concerns, approved concerns and delayed completed concerns.