We all are familiar with the supply chain depicted in the picture below.
- Parts are received at customer's end from supplier
- These parts are inspected at Incoming inspection
- Based on inspection results, rejection and defect phenomenon are identified
- Action are taken at suppliers end to remove cause of defect phenomenon
- Efforts are taken at suppliers end to sustain these action taken
- Efforts are taken to create system based working approach at suppliers
- For this purpose best practices in manufacturing are implemented at Suppliers
- Suppliers performance is monitored on periodical basis
OpExWorks solutions provides solution to automate each stage of this customer supplier coordination.
Our solutions suite includes
- Incoming parts inspection system
- Quality management system
- Productivity Management System
- Maintenance Management System
- Supplier Portal
- Audit Mangement System
- Kaizen Network for continuous improvement initiative
As a manufacturing unit, you are operating as supplier to your customer and customer to your supplier.
Manufacturing units can deploy these systems as per the requirements and priorities to stay ahead and achieve
operation excellence